Create Your Consortium

Distributed Ledger Networks with Consortia

To deploy your DLT applications you need a bootstrapped consortium. A HLF consortium is build up from so called Ordering Service Provider and Membership Service Provider. When building your own consortium from scratch you have to deploy your MSP/OSP and your channel. The channel will be use later to deploy your applications and conduct transactions. You may as well just deploy your MSP and join a channel that is part of an existing consortium.

1. Deploy your Membership Service Provider (MSP)

Your Membership Service Provider is is an abstracted HLF model of your business organization. MSP defines and governs your organization identity wihtin the consortia it is part of. Consortia enables you easily to model and deploy your MSP

Here are the steps to deploy you MSP


You may remove, create and deploy your MSP peers anytime after your MSP is bootstrapped. You will have to explicitly trigger the deployment of your MSP peers from Nodes page (Manage -> Nodes).


When the endpoint of your node (CA, peer, orderer) is empty, Consortia will use the node’s assigned machine host name and provided port as an endpoint for your node. A valid endpoint is a combination of host and port (i.e.

After the deployment of your MSP is done, you may join a channel that is part of an existing consortium or proceed with the next steps to deploy your own consortium and channel.

2. Deploy your Ordering Service Provider (OSP)

The ordering service provider is essential part of your network. Similar to your MSP it consists of CA servers and nodes called orderers (further reading on HLF website). You need your OSP

Perform the following steps to model and deploy your ordering service provider:


The OSP has its own CA servers that manage the identities of the OSP ordering nodes. It is possible as well to add ordering nodes managed by other OSPs to the ordering service (if required to have mutual governance of the ordering service within the participating consortium organizations)

After the deployment of your OSP is done (bootstrapped), you are ready to create and deploy a channel (that will be you ledger).

3. Deploy your channel

You DLT applications (chaincode) are deployed on a channel (ledger) that is managed by the participating consortium members. First step is to define and deploy your channel on the consortium OSP. After that, every participating MSP may join its peers on the channel and deploy the chaincodes.

Follow the steps to define and deploy your channel:


You must make sure all channel’s related OSP and MSPs are bootstrapped before deploying.


If Consortia cannot establish SSH connection to the machines of the MSPs and OSP the deploy operation will fail. Make sure your infrastructure is accessible and operational before deploying the channel.


After the channel is deployed you can join MSPs to the channel in order to expand your network.

4. Join your peers on your channel

Every peer of your HLF usually has to be part of a channel in order to conduct private and confidential transactions (endorse by calling the chaincode application and commit the result on the channel). Hence after bootstrapping the peer you join it on channels in order to make it part of your consortia.

Follow the steps to join your peers on your channel:

Consortia will trigger the process of joining your peer on the selected channel. When ready Consortia will mark the status of your peer to channel as joined. It is important to promote to anchor at least one of the peers belonging to a MSP (this is mandatory in order to have proper peer discovery in your network).

Now you are ready to deploy your DLT applications on the network.


You must make sure your channel and your peer are bootstrapped before joining a peer on a channel.


After the channel is deployed you can join MSPs to the channel in order to expand your network.

Proceed to the next step Deploy Your Applications